What The World Would Be Like Without Cartridges And Colour Printers

It seems unimaginable that many years ago people actually had no choice but to print documents in black and white. Toner cartridges and ink refills were unheard of, and just as television once was a mix of black grey and white so was printing. Now just imagine the state the media industry would be in if printers were still unable to print colour, honestly advertising would be a lot more complex. Thank goodness today we have multiple options when it comes to creating flyers, documents and photos as there are endless categories under colour laser printers and inkjet colour printers. Our choice of colour printers now has no boundaries as there are so many competing for our attention. But the Colour Laser seems to be a first choice among businesses and people who are serious about the quality of printed images.

The Dreaded Times Before Colour Printers

When you think about the time before colour printing you probably imagine a journalist sitting behind a type writer amazed at the fact that words can be imprinted on a piece of paper by touching a button. There are a lot of earlier inventions which attributed to the invention of colour inkjet and laser printers but the invention of the first printer can mostly be attributed to both Charles Carlson and Remington Rand; without their invention print media today would be impossible. While the very first printer was obviously a lot slower and without colour it was a great technological advancement to the people of its time. Thanks to the advancements made in technology we now have the luxury of printing hundreds of pages in a minute, attributing as much detail and colour as possible and not having to worry about the printer jamming or getting stuck every two seconds. Surely life now is a lot easier; hence why it might be a little more expensive.

The Brilliant Invention Of Laser Printers

Electrophotography which forms the basis according to which a laser printer works was first invented by Chester Carlson. After his invention the very first laser printer was invented in 1969 at Xerox Palo Alto Research. Understandably the first laser printers were quite pricey and not really affordable to the public. Therefore in 1992 Hewlett-Packard released the first affordable laser printer called the LaserJet4. The early inventions of Laser Printers led to the invention of the colour laser and paved the way to the brilliant images and advertisements we see and know so well today.

What The World Would Be Like Without Colour Printers

* Computer graphs would make very little sense without colour.
* Printed advertisements would not easily be able to draw attention.
* High quality photo printing would be quite useless as they would still only be black and white.
* Photoshop would make very little sense.
* Celebs would not be half as glamorous when splattered on the front of a magazine.
* Advertisers would not be able to use colours to influence our moods and make money.

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